It's that time of year again.
This month is the birthday of Hanger Shortage's blog and such a great excuse to go back and review all of the posts from the last year. I'm pretty sure that on the last blogiversary I mentioned how quickly time flies, but it honestly just continues to go faster and faster. I really enjoyed going through all the photos and picking out fun little snippets from the past year.This past year has seen a lot - from all the posts, videos and profiles I've done for this site, to the progression of my line 16th Colony, as well as producing video content for other brands. I think something that I've learned, and I need to try to remember more often, that I can't be too hard on myself when I feel like I'm behind on blogging or a project. The goal is to always put out the best work and content possible and to never just use nonsense filler. I'm always going to make sure that all the things I apply myself toward are done to perfection.
Speaking of the fact I've been slightly absent recently, I have my reasons. I was lucky enough to take a little trip to Hawaii (which I'll get around to posting about soon) but since I've been back I've been literally working around the clock on the next 16th Colony collection. So I guess with that said, feel free to excuse my sporadic posts while I hide in my studio finishing up all the new designs for the next 3 weeks.
Anyway, I obviously love blogging and the fact that it gives me opportunities to collaborate with various people. Thanks to all of you that happen to stumble upon the blog every once in a while to check it all out.