We went out to Vegas to the Magic and Project fashion trade shows recently.
I always really enjoy going, not only just to see what's new for the upcoming season, but there's also a bunch of great booth set ups and displays.

We spent all of the first day at Project - the vibe was super creative.

The second day we hit up Magic. There was a blogger panel there so we stopped and listened for a while. It was pretty cool - the topic was on social media and branding. Amongst some of the people on the panel was Lizzie Parker who's going to be on that new NBC reality show Fashion Star.
Being that Free People is one of my favorite brands, I had to check their booth out. Of course it was super well put together and cute, just like everything else they've got going on.
We didn't get over to Platform - which was probably best since I have a sick obsession with shoes.

Apparently I didn't get enough fashion at the show, so we headed over to Crystals at City Center. I hadn't had a chance to check it out yet. It was pretty cool and filled with luxury brands, etc. Oh by the way, speaking of City Center, the Aria has this awesome little dessert shop called Jean-Philippe Patisserie. I was lured in by both the desserts and the cuteness of whole place.