It was that time of year again to lurk around the Agenda Show in Long Beach.
So of course another recap is in order. A lot of brands were doing some great things - especially with a major presence '90's' influence. From what I saw it was executed pretty well and not overdone. Anyway, here are a few brands that caught my eye as I scoured the Convention Center aisles.
Right away, I noticed that the action sports brand
Lira had expanded their women's collection and it was really well curated. The swimwear and cut off shorts were spot on. However, I was really lusting over their graphic tees - mostly this badass muscle tank.
Montreal based brand Uranium made an appearance in Southern California. Their roots stem from snowboarding and skate so it's pretty appropriate that they made it out to the show. The pieces really stood out and had a unique trait about them - come to find out, their mantra is to be 'positively energized' and I like how that's encompassed into the designs.
I got lured into the
Iron and Resin booth first because of the motorcycle with Ural attached (I'm a sucker for a bike) but then I ended up hanging around for the cool graphic apparel and accessories. Some in which were bandanas and shop rags for bikes. I really like how they've set up their brand in that it's very apparent for what they stand for. All of their goods are handcrafted and printed one at a time here in California.
Asphalt Yacht Club, the brand new skate apparel company endorsed by Stevie Williams, Stefan Janoski and Nyjah Huston, made their debut at Agenda. This collaboration reflects a combination of skate culture, street style and contemporary fashion. Their full line of tees, fleece, cut-and-sew tops and denim focuses mainly on comfort and style meant for life both on and off the board.

Thanks to Abegail from AYC's PR team for the hospitality and the invite to the Malibu Launch Party - these Viewmaster invitations were great.

After roaming the aisles of Agenda I had the opportunity to attend Emerge. This was a pretty rad conference with speakers who talked not only about building successful brands but also about a lot of the deeper meaning and what it all takes to get there. Amongst the panel were
Johnny Cupcakes, and
Bobby Hundreds.
I always knew I wanted to live the life of a dreamer - to accomplish things that fulfilled me in indescribable ways. Things that have real meaning. I've always followed my passion but not until recently in the past couple years have I been able to completely encompass my life with only these things. I've learned a lot of concepts that I now hold as truths and have helped me continue down this path.
I hung on to basically every word from jeffstaple considering his philosophy aligns similarly to mine. One of my favorite concepts that he discussed was "Never let anyone tell you 'no'. Find another way in."
This is literally something I live by on the daily. Big or small. If you want something don't let anyone tell you that you can't or aren't allowed. If you really want it, you'll find a way. Trust me. Of course, this can be looked upon as breaking the rules but what difference can you make by following the same guidelines as everyone else?