

It was super warm over the weekend - so I decided to take advantage.

Even though it was planned and packed with lists of things to do in my Moleskine, I had the urge to get out and be free and wild. I've always been a strong believer in doing things outside of work that spark your creativity. Even though currently, all of my work is exciting, fun and rewarding, it feels good to be inspired by even the smallest thing and to run with it. Even if just for an hour.

I find that when I do things that are just for me and a detour from the original plan that it fuels a fire. It builds a stronger sense of creativity and future goals - having an understanding for those things helps when I'm trying to convey a certain idea and execute it correctly. Even if the small inspiring activity I do is only for myself, it's practice for everything else I'm passionate about.

Anyway, hope you all had an inspiring moment over the weekend. The end.

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