I ordered a little something new the other day.
A new Canon 6D came my way and needless to say I'm pretty excited. Although, I wasn't necessarily in the market for a new camera until recently, after my trip to Miami. Unfortunately, in case you haven't heard, there's a lot of shitty people out there. My rental car was broken into, in the last few hours of my trip while I enjoyed one last swim at South Beach. I didn't think it'd be a big deal to leave my car in a parking lot for literally just an hour or so before I ran off to catch my flight. But in that time, all of my luggage and purse, with my old Canon and lenses, were stolen.Having your stuff taken is such a weird and violating feeling. I won't go into the details of how angry I was or how desperately I wanted to go home after spending way too long speaking with the police and what traffic rules I broke in order to still make my flight. But the point is that although something like this is incredibly disheartening, I would never let it set me back. I obviously need a camera for my line(s) of work. Nothing will ever stop me. No setback small or large will deter me from chasing and accomplishing every last dream on my list.
To be honest, myself and the film crew I work with have pretty strict rules for ourselves and not leaving equipment unattended is one of them. But luckily, some of our other work habits were put into use during the trip, like: dump and back-up all the footage at the end of each day. That's the only reason I was still able to post my trip posts when I got home (my boyfriend's stuff was in the trunk of the rental, so his stuff/computer weren't taken - thank God.) After ANY shoot, I literally transfer the footage and stills from my cards ASAP - whether it's a just a blog outfit shoot or paid client work. AND I back everything up. So for all you camera nerds out there, let my experience be a lesson to you. ALWAYS keep an eye on your gear.
Now, time to break in this new cam.

Anyway, here's a song I have on repeat as I write out this 'Lesson' of a blog post. It's called 'Guts' by Alex Winston.