The weekend got away from me.
I'm here at my desk at 1:30 am before Monday brings on a new week and I have no idea where the weekend went. So now I'm left scrambling to complete all the stuff I wanted to do. This week is definitely jam packed with even more "to-do's". Like editing a video for a PR company, interviewing some cool people for Locale Magazine's Spring issue, packing up 16th Colony ponchos and designing my Christmas card (you're getting it late, just fyi - suck it up). I mean, that stuff, along with other glorious things as you can imagine.

But I'm glad that I got to go through some of these photos from my San Francisco birthday trip from a couple weeks ago. It was so much fun - I seriously love exploring that city. For me it's definitely a place that I click with. Not that I want to move out of Southern California but if I had to pick someplace else to live it might be San Fran. Well, it is a little cold there so maybe I'm not so sure about that statement. Hence me bundling up in this amazing Penny Lane inspired jacket. It's lined all the way through, so luckily I wasn't complaining too much about the cold temperatures this particular day.
Anyway, this is always a busy time of year and as we get closer to Christmas I hope all of you guys are getting everything knocked off your list of "to-do's" as well.

Jacket - Nasty Gal, Pants - Waxed Jeans, Necklace - Vanessa Mooney, Paisley Print Scarf - Target
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